Jonah Part 2: Next Level

*Jonah 2:1-3* Jonah’s spirituality was fine for his old ministry but when faced with a new call, it just collapsed, and he bailed.  In the belly of a great fish, Jonah begins to pray, and he has a breakthrough.  Now this new calling he can follow.  So, how do we move to the next level?

Jonah Part 1: Going Down

*Jonah 1:1–17* Rather than a lens to see the world through, the book of Jonah acts as a mirror to see ourselves. Jonah’s story exposes our own tendency to co-opt God for the life we want rather than surrender to the life He has for us.

Acts: Service in Christ

*Acts 6:1-7* As the first-century church began to grow it experienced issues.  People were overlooked and others complained.  It’s a reminder that the Church can be messy.  That messiness is a call that we must respond to with the right attitude and with a serving heart.  

Waiting Upon the Lord

*Isaiah 64.4* We all hate to wait. Our culture does everything it can to eliminate waiting. Everything is available at our fingertips. We can instantly download everything, we can ship things from Amazon the next day, we can even pay extra money so we don’t have to wait as long in lines. God’s Word gives… Continue reading Waiting Upon the Lord

The Battle: War in Me

*Romans 7* Everyone has a war within themselves. The reason for this is that inside of ourselves there is a desire for evil as well as a desire for good. It’s a war that we can’t win but the battle changes when we become a Christian. 

Parable of the Sower: Are We Listening?

*Matthew 13:1-23* The Kingdom of God comes through hearing.  Are we listening?  Earthly kingdoms rely on force but the Kingdom of God relies on a seed.  We need to be a people that practice deep listening and understanding in order for that seed to transform us.

Why God?

(Habakkuk 1:1-17)Habakkuk is a short book in the Old Testament.  We know almost nothing about Habakkuk himself, but this book is very fitting to our time.  Come hear and see Habakkuk wrestle with God and ask Him the same “why” questions that we do today.

The Battle: Our Enemy

(Luke 11:14-28) The Bible reveals there is an unseen war going on around us that we need to be aware of. Peter tells us that we are to be self-controlled and alert because there is an enemy seeking to devour us. Today we will look at those enemies and their schemes so that we don’t… Continue reading The Battle: Our Enemy

Frequency – Tuning to God’s Voice

(John 5:1-20) This will be about tuning to the voice of God above every other voice that we hear. We want our church to all tune together to the voice of God so that we can play our individual instruments in God’s symphony.

Devine Appointment: Philip

Are you satisfied with where you are at? Acts gives us a portrait that will help remove the fear we have for doing what God calls us to do.

Daniel Part 2: Fiery Furnace

(Daniel 3:14-29) Babylon was the preeminent power in the world and it had conquered Israel. The professional classes were exiled to Babylon and pressured to assimilate to the Babylonian way of life. Some of the Jewish exiles, Daniel’s friends, are put to the test when forced to adopt Babylonian values or be thrown into a… Continue reading Daniel Part 2: Fiery Furnace

Daniel Part 1: Two Kingdoms

Daniel 2:24-46The book of Daniel tells about a time of exile. A time where Daniel once lived in a culture that matched his faith but he was taken from there and thrust into Babylon. By looking at Daniel we can see an example on how to live out our faith in a hostile culture.

The Cumulative Effect

(Galatians 6:7-9) In life there are small things that build up over time and have a cumulative effect. Who we are, our relationships, our finances, our health, our spirituality—all of these things are greatly impacted by this cumulative effect. Often the easiest things to do or not to do, have the biggest impact.

God Will Make a Way

(Exodus 14:10-18) The Israelites after leaving Egypt find themselves trapped and facing the full might of the Egyptian army.  When the people came to Moses, this was his response: Moses answered the people, “Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the Lord will bring you today. The Egyptians you see… Continue reading God Will Make a Way

Worthless Sacrifice

(Malachi 1:6-2:9) By the end of the Old Testament, the priests were allowing God’s people to bring their worst to Him. God brought a charge against them, reminding them of His love and the discipline that would come. He wanted their full attention, not their leftovers. Let us be reminded He is not to be… Continue reading Worthless Sacrifice

Flip the Script

(Acts 2, Acts 9, Acts 16) All of us are going to face difficulties. Situations that will push their way into our life and disrupt our perfectly crafted plans.  But here’s the truth. We can flip the script on those difficulties when we decide that everything can be used for the purpose that God has for us,… Continue reading Flip the Script

Impact Team

The NCO Impact Team exists to glorify Jesus Christ, minister to our district teens while learning to minister to others, and TO SHARE THE LOVE OF CHRIST THROUGH WORSHIP!

Selfie Society

(1 Timothy 3:1-2) Paul warns Timothy that there will be terrible times in the last days. People will be lovers of themselves among other things.  What is interesting in this warning, is who are the people Paul is talking about.  Let’s examine our lives together with God’s word.

Resurrection Sunday: Mercy!

(Matthew 27:45-55) Easter Sunday is a powerful reminder of the gift we have in access to a holy God. Grace is freely given but God has terms that remind us just how undeserving we are and how gracious He is in desiring to be in relationship with us. Just as the high priest was—by mercy—able… Continue reading Resurrection Sunday: Mercy!

Palm Sunday and the Temple

(Luke 19:28-20:2) After Jesus enters Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, He enters the Temple, drives out the dealers and money changers, and even overturns tables.  It is the only recorded act of violence by Jesus in the Bible. To understand why, we will dive into this account this Palm Sunday.

The Call of the Good Samaritan

(Luke 10:25-37) This is one of Jesus’ most famous stories. The first part of chapter 10 says all disciples are given the gospel as a message that is to be shared with everyone. In this last part of the chapter, we’re given the other side of being a disciple; instead of just being called messengers,… Continue reading The Call of the Good Samaritan

The Journey

(Acts 13-16) Christians are referred to as travelers or sojourners.  The Christian life is itself referred to as a journey.  When we hear that word, we tend to think of destinations and locations.  But there’s another aspect to any journey that is just as important as where we are going, It’s – who you are… Continue reading The Journey

Life of David Part 4: Mephibosheth

(2 Samuel 9) David shows a special kind of love to Mephibosheth, love that values the relationship more than personal gain. Today we often see love that asks “what’s-in-it-for-me”. That’s why we see people easily walk away from relationships that don’t serve their needs. This special love that David shows demands dedication and sacrifice, but… Continue reading Life of David Part 4: Mephibosheth

Life of David Part 3: David’s Passion

(2 Samuel 6)We’re looking at the life of David, and in this part, we look at when David is king, and he wants to bring the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem. A couple fascinating things happen along the way that end up changing David.

Life of David: Part 2 Hero of Heroes

(1 Samuel 17:32-50)The story of David and Goliath is the story of different ways to face your fears. We see this in the life of Saul, David, and Goliath. One of these foreshadows the hero of heroes and when we see that, that’s when we truly have courage.

The Life of David Part 1

1 Samuel Perhaps the greatest description God ever gave to one of his own were the words spoken over David, that he was a “man after God’s own heart”. David was far from perfect, but he loved what God loved and hated what God hated. I’m hoping that taking a look through this man’s life… Continue reading The Life of David Part 1

Desperation for Others

(Mark 9:14-29, Matthew 6:16-18, Luke 4:1-14, Psalm 73:25-28, Psalm 81:10, Phil. 2:12-13) Last week we talked about one thing. I asked you if you could have one thing, what would it be. David said his one thing was to dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of his life. Hopefully this year,… Continue reading Desperation for Others

One Thing

(Exodus 33 & 34) David said, “One thing my heart desires…” How would you honestly finish that sentence for yourself today? What is the one thing your heart desires? I’m hoping we are challenged by an account of Moses to take our walk with God to the next level.

The Book of Job

Book of JobSuffering is going to happen, but it doesn’t have to be the end. Instead of the temporary happiness the world offers, God offers us eternal joy when we look to Him. We will be going through the book of Job to be reminded that even though we live in a broken world, God… Continue reading The Book of Job


(Acts 27 & 28, Romans 8) Enough is enough. God has a plan and purpose for your life, and we can’t let anything get in the way of that. We need to be convinced of what Christ has done for us and live under His authority.

The Magi and gift of Myrrh

Matthew 2 We are looking to the account of the Magi and their kingly gifts. In particular the gift of Myrrh and all it pointed to. God is acquainted with death and with its sting, but He conquered it once and for all through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus.

Worship Part 3: Sacrifice

This is the final message in our series on worship. Worship always involves sacrifice. As worshippers of God, we don’t want to be people who give Him praise that costs us nothing. We owe everything to Him so let us be people who leave our offerings on the altar. (Hebrews 10:14, Hebrews 13:11-16, Amos 5:21-24,… Continue reading Worship Part 3: Sacrifice

Worship Part 1: Created To

No one has to be taught how to worship because God created us to do that. What we have to ask ourselves is who or what are we worshipping, because what we worship is what we will ultimately resemble. Scripture References: (Romans 1:18-20 Deuteronomy 4:29 Romans 1:21-25 John 4:19-20 John 4:21-24 Psalm 115:1-8)

Is Jesus Returning Soon Part 3: How To Be Ready

(Matthew 25:1-13) Jesus was concerned His disciples could easily grow comfortable in their waiting for His return. His challenge to them—and us—was to be ready, to live in such a way as to still have an urgency in the waiting and be prepared for the coming of Christ.

Is Jesus Returning Soon?

(Matthew 24), (2 Peter 3) Near the end of His ministry, Jesus shared with His disciples that He would return someday. His challenge was to keep watch, not living focused on what’s fleeting, but instead living with the end in mind—Jesus will return as the King and Lord of all. Are we ready? Is it… Continue reading Is Jesus Returning Soon?

Guest Speaker

We had a guest speaker, Marlane Cox, from Abigail Ministries giving her powerful testimony and talking about a recovery ministry that she started.

Scarce Generosity

Habakkuk (3:17-19), Deuteronomy (26:1-12) Today we are going to be in the book of Habakkuk.  Habakkuk was a prophet, and the book is his conversation with God.  In it, we see a righteous prayer that asks the hard questions, and we get to see him wrestle with in the midst of those hard times.  We also… Continue reading Scarce Generosity

Branch Life Part 4: Sticks

(John 15:1-8) This is the final sermon in the Branch Life series and this week we move from those branches that are connected to sticks that aren’t connected.  Come and see why branches become sticks and is there any hope for a stick.

Be the Branch – Part 1

John 15:1-8 John 13 through 17 is called the Upper Room Discourse. This all happens on Thursday right before Jesus is crucified. At the start of Chapter 15, they are on their way to the Garden of Gethsemane. Jesus knows what awaits them; the disciples don’t fully realize it. Jesus wants to prepare them for… Continue reading Be the Branch – Part 1

The Mark of the Beast and the Book of Hope

Revelation 2:1-7 and Revelation 4-5 Many of us see things and we wonder if this thing is the mark of the beast and a further sign of the end of time, but the Church in Ephesus experienced the mark of the beast, and we can find hope in the same place that they did.

Church as a Family on Mission

Matthew 9:35-38, Romans 1:8-17 Church is often described as a family and must be seen that way. As a family, we must strive to be on mission and join God in what He is doing.

Church as a Family

Ephesians 4:11-16 We are continuing to talk about the culture we want to create in this church.  Think of the whirlpool example – this current we want to have that pushes us in the direction we want to be moving.  One powerful image of how the church is described is of a family.  That’s the… Continue reading Church as a Family


Verse 1Verses 3-4Verse 7Verses 10-14Verse 15Verses 17-21Philippians 2:6-11

Marriage Strong

Ephesians 5:21-33 Marriage is hard and takes work. God’s word gives us a meaning, purpose, and way to make our marriages strong.


Acts 12:5-17 Romans 8:31-38 Luke 22:31-32 Ezekiel 22:30-31 Luke 11:5-8 Isaiah 64:4 Matthew 28:18-19 1 John 5:14-15 James 5:16 Prayer is a core part of our walk with God, and intercession is a form of prayer that God desires for us to grow in. Intercession is something Jesus does for us and calls us to… Continue reading Intercessor

Courageous Part 2

1 Kings 19:1-18 1 Kings 17:1 1 Kings 18:37 1 Kings 18:39 1 Kings 18:46 1 Kings 19:2 God’s will – will always be immeasurably, unspeakingly, infinitely beyond any of our largest notions about what He’s up to. After seeing last week what led the great prophet Elijah to the point of despair, God then leads him… Continue reading Courageous Part 2

Called to be Courageous

Romans 8:28, 1 Kings 19 verse 1-9, Proverbs 4:23, 1 Kings 19:3, Romans 1:11-12 All followers of Christ have a call on their life. The enemy works hard to discourage us with lies. The Prophet Elijah experienced that but we must be courageous and answer that call.

Baptism Rethought

(Acts 2:37-41, Acts 2:38, Romans 6:3, Mark 1:4, Mark 1:9-11, Mathew 28:18-19, Acts 8:12, Acts 8:35-38, Acts 10:44-48, Acts 16:31-33, Ephesians 2:8, Mathew 4:17, John 14:6, Mathew 13:44, 1 Peter 3:20-21) A lot of times when we talk about baptism we ask and question so many things. Do I have to be baptized, does it… Continue reading Baptism Rethought

Escape the Grip

Psalm 23:1-6, Psalm 16:8-9, 1 Samuel 17:4-11, 1 Samuel 17:46, Isaiah 25:1, and Job 35:9-10 Since 2012 anxiety, fear, and depression has skyrocketed. The Word tells us that the thief comes only to steal, kill, and destroy but the Word also tells us that we have a Good Shepherd that is with us. Hear how… Continue reading Escape the Grip

Commending to the Next

Psalms 145:1-9Psalm 145 calls us to invite the next generation into God’s greater story, praising Him for His wonderful works. We are asking God to raise up faithful leaders in the generations to come and for us to be faithful in commending to them the Gospel.

Heroes of the Faith Part 1: Cain vs Abel (Worship)

Hebrews 11, Genesis 4 We are beginning a series looking at the heroes of the faith found in Hebrews 11. Both Cain and Abel brought an offering to the Lord but God rejected the way of Cain.  Find out why Abel’s was commended and why it speaks on from the grave.

Sorrow’s Response

(1 Samuel 1:3-11, 18-20) Hannah experiences deep anguish due to not being able to have children. The voices of the culture and her husband only bring more sorrow but she has a moment where she gets up and responds to this sorrow in the only way that works. She turns to God and prays in… Continue reading Sorrow’s Response

Abraham: How can I know?

(Genesis 15:1-21) A theophany is a scene in which God manifests himself in a physical or audible way. This weird passage is about when God revealed himself to Abraham. What did Abraham see and how did he react? And how did God respond? And what does it all mean?

Acts: The First Church

(Acts 2:40-47)The first communities of believers exploded for the first 300 years. They grew so much that they replaced the cultures. If you want to see our culture changed, find out what made them so different and why they were so different.

Doubt and Mission

Stop it! Stop disqualifying yourself based on the doubts you have. Thomas was a monster in the faith and yet all we remember is he doubted. King David, Jeremiah, John the Baptist – all had doubts but they still moved forward in mission. We are going to have seasons where we question God’s word and… Continue reading Doubt and Mission

A Target

1 Samuel 16:13-23, 18, 19:1-18Ephesians 6:12-18

Encountering the Risen King

John 20:1-18 We are celebrating Easter by looking at what happens when we encounter our risen King. It is an intensely rational, merciful, and personal encounter that will wreck your life in the best possible way.

The King Comes! Palm Sunday

Matthew 21:1-17 The Day the Disciples had been wanting finally is here. Jesus no longer hides that He is the Messiah. Jesus enters Jerusalem as King on Palm Sunday and now He will either be crowned or killed.

Jesus our Priest and King

Psalm 110 Psalm 110 is a Psalm written by King David. This Psalm is not well known compared to other Psalms like Psalm 23 but it is quoted more than any other Psalm in the New Testament. Jesus uses this Psalm to explain to people who He was and the statement is amazing.

It Starts with a Yes

Acts 9:10-17 Experiencing God starts with a yes. God doesn’t just speak to the Moses type people, He speaks and calls us all to join Him in what He is doing. We’ll see that in this passage found in Acts.

The Call of God

Genesis 11:27-12:9 Through Abraham we see how God’s personal call graciously challenges every aspect of our lives, by giving us entirely new lives with a radical new purpose.

The Struggle for Love

Genesis 29:15-35 In dealing with inner emptiness, we often hope for “one true love.” Leah finally found that hope after much failure.

Faithful to the Unfaithful

Hosea 3 This chapter has been referred to as the greatest chapter in the Bible.  It also might be the most bizarre.  It deals with a way in which we relate to God.  At times we see God as Lord and we are His servants, in other moments He’s our shepherd or Father.  If you… Continue reading Faithful to the Unfaithful

The Meaning of Christmas

1 John 1:1-4 We looked at Christmas and what it meant for those that experienced it. From the one who would prepare the way, to the unlikely shepherds and all the way to Magi from the east. In today’s passage though, we look at what Christmas means for us today. What is the meaning of… Continue reading The Meaning of Christmas

Jesus is King

Matthew 2:1-12Matthew 1:1-2, 6, 16-17Acts 2:22-24Philippians 2:6-11 From the story of the wise men we get insight into a major element of Jesus’ birth. That is that Jesus is King and that fact is opposed by the darkness, but it ends with every knee bowing to King Jesus. Let us be Wise people that remember… Continue reading Jesus is King

Wander to Wonder

Luke 2:8-20 God chooses the lowest of society to announce the birth of a King and it takes them from a season of wander to wonder.

Silence Broken

Luke 1:5-25; 57-67 Why does it seem like God is silent in seasons of our lives?  What is He doing and what should be our response? After 400 years of silence, an angel appears to a barren old couple and breaks the silence telling them they will bear a son whose name is to be John.

The King’s Table

2 Samuel 9 The King’s kindness moves people from Lo Debar to His table.

How To Change The World

Colossians 4:2-6 How can ordinary people like us take part in God’s incredible mission on earth?  Here are three simple but powerful ways that we are able to make a difference in the world: pray earnestly, walk wisely, and speak graciously.

Wake Up

Jonah 1:4-16 Are you sleeping in your boat?  Wake up!

A Ransom For Many

Mark 10:13-16 & 35-45 “For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”

Fight of Faith

Jeremiah 32 You were created for a purpose and God has called you to the fight of faith.

This Is Only A Test

John 6:1-15 A faith that can not be tested, cannot be trusted.  Learn how to navigate the tests in life by looking at the story of when Jesus fed the 5,000.

Empty Vessels

2 Kings 4:1-7Elisha asked a poor widow, “Tell me, what do you have in the house?” “Nothing…except a jar of oil,” she replied.

Beware the Drift

2 Samuel 15 & 17Drifting can happen in any relationship.  Fight against it, fight for unity.

Shame was Rolled Away

Acts 5:27-42, Matthew 5:14-16Christ rolled away shame and confidence should remain.

The Day God Ran

John 20.1-10, Luke 15 The Kezazah Ceremony would be enacted but the Father ran.

30 Pieces of Silver

Matthew 26:47-50, 27:3-5, Acts 1:18Sin never wants to stay small, it never is content, it always moves us towards death.

Underdog: A Thorn

2 Corinthians 12:6-10 How do you handle the thorn you didn’t ask for?

Mile 2

Matthew 5:38-42, Luke 10:25-37 Are we willing to go to Mile 2?

One Rotation

Luke 13:1-9Listen to God’s heart on repentance and bearing fruit.

The Mission of Christ

Matthew 1:18-25 Jesus has the keys to the gates of hell and makes the way of salvation

Light of the World

John 1:1-14 Jesus is the light of the world.  How much light are you letting in? 

Kingdom Paradox – Service

John 12:20-26 Jesus came to earth preaching the kingdom of God is near. His reign and rule over all creation looks far different than what many of us would think.

Kingdom Paradox – Sermon

John 12:20-26 Jesus came to earth preaching the kingdom of God is near.  His reign and rule over all creation looks far different than what many of us would think.

Finding Hope Through Worship-Sermon

Acts 16 Worshipping God through the pain and hurt of life never feels good but it provides the hope we need. (Editors Note: I included the song part of the service, because it went with this sermon.)

Eyes of a Lion May 16, 2021

We need to have the eyes like a lion when looking at life. We can put on the lens of faith and scripture and see life completely different.

Worship 4-26-2020

Join us for our worship service at Willard Church Of The Nazarene

Worship 4-19-2020

Join us for our worship service at Willard Church Of The Nazarene

Worship 3-29-2020

Join us for our worship service at Willard Church Of The Nazarene

Worship 3-22-2020

Join us for our worship service at Willard Church Of The Nazarene